Monday, March 5, 2012

Every family will have some sort of crisis in their lifetime. It seems as though it is inevitable. This week in class we talked about different tragedies that can occur and how we can better cope when those unfortunate situations arise. There were many stories shared by students in our class who have gone through a tragic experience and it was interesting to listen to their story and how their family pulled together and made it through that specific crisis. It's important that whatever trial you are going through, you stick together. Your family can help you through almost anything! Especially if it is something that involved the entire family and is effecting everyone, don't turn on each other or seclude yourself from the rest of your family. It is important to work through the crisis together, knowing you have each others support. I have also noticed how important it is to recognize you are not alone. A lot of times a certain trial will occur and you may feel depressed and sad thinking you are the only person in the entire world who has to deal with this nonsense. But you are wrong, there are people with the same issues you are going through. DON'T think you are alone in this world with a huge burden to overcome. There are always people willing to help you in your time of need. Be it a family member, psychologist, and especially the Lord. You are never alone.

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