Sunday, February 26, 2012

When is it appropriate to talk to your children about sex? This is the question we asked ourselves this week in class. We came up 6 different age groups and what they should know at that specific age. The ages were 3,6,9,12,15,18. Depending on when you feel comfortable as a parent discussing certain issues with your child is primarily up to you, but you shouldn't keep putting it off. I think it is important for you, the parents, to discuss sex with your child. That way, they know where you stand on what is appropriate and what isn't. My parents told me at an age where I was starting to hear things about sex and when I confronted them about it, they didn't hold anything back. I knew where they stood in regards to sex and they made sure I understood that they expected me to follow their beliefs and especially my religious beliefs. Parents are relying on schools more to educate their children on sex and feeling a relief that they don't have to have that awkward talk with their kids. Try to be involved in what the schools are teaching your children, sometimes it may be more than what you wanted your child to know or inappropriate. As a parent, I don't think you should hold off on "the talk". As uncomfortable as you may feel, it is important that the child hears it from you and that they feel open with sharing questions or concerns they have. Another interesting point a student made in class was that you shouldn't say sex is bad. Let them know sex is a great thing, as long as you are married. Have the talk with you children, don't rely on the schools and other kids informing them on sex.

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