Sunday, February 26, 2012

When is it appropriate to talk to your children about sex? This is the question we asked ourselves this week in class. We came up 6 different age groups and what they should know at that specific age. The ages were 3,6,9,12,15,18. Depending on when you feel comfortable as a parent discussing certain issues with your child is primarily up to you, but you shouldn't keep putting it off. I think it is important for you, the parents, to discuss sex with your child. That way, they know where you stand on what is appropriate and what isn't. My parents told me at an age where I was starting to hear things about sex and when I confronted them about it, they didn't hold anything back. I knew where they stood in regards to sex and they made sure I understood that they expected me to follow their beliefs and especially my religious beliefs. Parents are relying on schools more to educate their children on sex and feeling a relief that they don't have to have that awkward talk with their kids. Try to be involved in what the schools are teaching your children, sometimes it may be more than what you wanted your child to know or inappropriate. As a parent, I don't think you should hold off on "the talk". As uncomfortable as you may feel, it is important that the child hears it from you and that they feel open with sharing questions or concerns they have. Another interesting point a student made in class was that you shouldn't say sex is bad. Let them know sex is a great thing, as long as you are married. Have the talk with you children, don't rely on the schools and other kids informing them on sex.

Getting Married

There is a process in which you get married. First you date-which includes a variety of different dates. That way you can see the other person under different circumstances and how they react. Then you enter courtship, which is similar to dating, but more exclusive. Again, you want to still date and do a variety of things instead of watching movies every night so you can get to know one another and see all aspects of their personality. Then comes the engagement! Once you have the ring and set the date it is official! Typically you don't want a long engagement....You are at a higher risk of getting into trouble. Finally, comes marriage!! Once you get married you want to create boundaries between the two of you. Especially within the first month of marriage you want to figure out each others routine, work together on budgeting, learn each others habits, figure out each persons roles, and rules of the house. An important key concept is communication. if something is bothering you communicate, if you don't think the other person is keeping up on their part of the rules-communicate!! A lot can be fixed all by communicating with each other. :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dating has changed extensively over the years. "Hanging Out" is much more common these days instead of dating. In class we talked about how you need to date in order to strengthen your relationship. Seeing a guy/girl only in group settings isn't enough. You don't have that one on one time where you can see them in a more secluded setting. Going on a variety of dates with the person you are interested in is important before making the decision to get married or take your relationship to the next level. When you do a handful of different activities, you can see how they would react in each situation. Going to dinner and a movie for every date isn't enough. There isn't much time to get to know one another and talk about personal things. There are 4 different meanings of love. Storge is love between a parent and child, Philia is the kind of love that exists between friends, Eros is passionate love, and Agape, a love that is independent of one's feelings for another. We concluded you need all 4 in a loving relationship. Your love grows with time though, you may only have eros in the beginning or a close friendship, then your love can escalate once you have children to storge-where you have a love for your children, etc. Whichever love you have, make sure you keep it alive. Go on dates often. Tell each other you love them everyday. Write sweet notes to each other. Don't let your love fade with time, as others use as an excuse.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

This week in class we talked about the difference between men and women. Society has distinctly put men in a certain role as well as women. Men are to be the providers while women are the domestic homemakers. We see more than ever, women getting degrees and taking on male roles. They strive for equality. Whether they reach their goal or not, there are differences. Sex refers to your biological identification while Gender Roles refers to the behavior associated with being either male or female. People who are homosexual sometimes believe they were born that way. Which is definitely not the case. In most cases, same sex attraction comes about from being molested as a child. Another huge factor is being made fun of at a young age. Kids don't necessarily understand what the word "gay" means but will make fun of the boy who maybe don't hang out with the other guys or isn't as masculine as the other boys at school. This can be devastating on a child. They may go through a stage later on not knowing what he is interested in and can reflect back on those memories in elementary school and think that maybe something IS different about him, when in reality, he is just going through a phase and isn't quite sure what to think of the situation yet. Homosexuality is never set in stone, if you are struggling with it, talk to a therapist or get help in some way.