Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fathers and Finances

This week we talked about the importance of having a father figure in the home. I found that the father plays an important role in the children's life and needs to be actively involved with the family. Fathers tend to be the more "playful" parent. Fathers are to preside, provide and protect their family. If the father is unable to provide for the family, the mother may need to work as well. We also discussed the effects of both parents working. We learned that financial issues is one of the major causes for divorce. When the mother has to work, it can cause tension between her and the husband. There is also the negative outcome of spending less time with your children. My mother started working when I was in Highschool. She felt that she was missing out on being involved in my life as well as my younger siblings. It made her sad and caused tension between them. I feel like when you first get married you need to discuss the possibility of having the wife work. She should be open and willing to help out the family. You also need to stay within your budget. If you start spending money you don't have, you will get into debt-resulting in the wife more likely having to work. If you avoid debt, the wife is able to stay home with your children. Managing your money is vital, make sure both spouses understand your budget.

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